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Here is an oat cell carcinoma which is spreading along the bronchi. The speckled black rounded areas represent hilar lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma. These neoplasms are more amenable to chemotherapy than radiation therapy or surgery, but the prognosis is still poor. Oat cell carcinomas occur almost exclusively in smokers.  Malignant neoplasms are also characterized by their tendency to invade surrounding tissues. Here's another tragic result of smoking.  How do you think the parents of this baby feel knowing their cigarette caused the fire that burned their baby?

Will pictures of your burned baby go here? Will pictures of your mouth cancer go here?

Will pictures of your lung cancer go here? Will pictures of your emphysema go here?

Will pictures of your crying loved ones at your funeral go here? If you need more motivation to quit smoking, please visit a hospice.

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