Here's a little info that may help you or someone you know or love.  If you want to teach yourself to stop smoking cigarettes for the last time, read this at least twice.

We have a lot of very valuable information regarding smoking, which has been condensed to a handful of pages in this letter.  We don't think the majority of individuals want to read a 300 page book, but are more interested in just the major concepts of how to stop smoking, with as little extraneous information as possible.   We hope we've done that, and we hope you read this with an open mind, and that you make it to the bottom of this letter with a new perspective on smoking.  We are ex-smokers, and we hope to educate you about a few things you may not have thought of regarding why so many smokers who want to stop, don't.  Thank you.




·         Your personal reasons go here (we’ve listed some common responses we hear from successful quitters).

1.)     You know that smoking is “beneath” you.

2.)     You want to improve the quality of your life (better physical and mental health).

3.)     You want to tell your grandchildren about the dangers of person.

4.)     This list could go on and on, but only you know why you want to quit..

·         Approx. 23% of the U.S. population smokes and more than 80% of smokers want to stop.

·         There are 1000’s of man-made chemicals added to every cigarette.  Approximately 50 are highly toxic and PROVEN to cause cancer in humans.  Some of which are formaldehyde, cyanide, arsenic, carbon monoxide, methane, benzene and radioactive polonium 210. As of 2008, the levels of these chemicals have increased dramatically. This is being done as the percentage of smokers steadily declines, and the tobacco industry will stop at nothing in an attempt to keep existing customers and recruit new ones.  Smokers' bodies and minds are being chemically altered, yet they continue to put these drugs into the only body they'll ever get. The most deadly and destructive legally consumable product in the history of the world, is the only product not required to list the ingredients on the package. If that's not enough to make you consider what you're doing to your body, consider the new "reduced cigarette ignition propensity" laws. These cigarettes are identified with FSC (fire safe cigarettes) on the pack. Many smokers are telling us about nausea, headaches, and other physical symptoms since their particular state has made the switch to FSC cigarettes. As of Sept. 2007, there are 22 states with new laws regarding FSC cigarettes. Research it yourself, don't take our word for it.

·         Second-hand smoke alone kills many thousands of children and adults every year, and it injures and harms many times more.  For those who believe in a higher power or Karma, you already know the benefits of “doing the right thing”.

·         The consequences of doing things we regret (and know are wrong) over a long period of time, can cause great internal conflict and confusion. This behavior in itself can lead to many additional physical problems and poor choices throughout all aspects of ones' life.




·         We all (almost all) have the mental and emotional capacity to take control of our lives.


·         You can quit smoking by following a few easy suggestions to retrain your subconsious mind.




·         IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT.  No one becomes a “smoker” after a cigarette, or a day or a week of smoking, and no one becomes a non-smoker after a day, or a week of not smoking.  The secret for long-term success is learning to think, act, and prepare for being a non-smoker while continuing to smoke.  In this way, the nicotine withdrawal that many individuals expect to have never becomes an obstacle or interferes with the re-training process.


·         THERE ARE A LOT OF BELIEFS ABOUT SMOKING AND QUITTING SMOKING THAT ARE NOTHING MORE THAN THE RESULT OF BRAINWASHING BY SOME OF THE MOST POWERFUL, INFLUENTIAL, AND SINISTER INDUSTRIES IN THE WORLD.  Many of these beliefs that smokers have come from the tobacco and the medical/pharmaceutical industries, all of whom profit enormously from this deadly drug.  Almost every program in the world that is suppose to be helping smokers who want to quit, are actually designed to set smokers up to fail (doesn't the miniscule success rate prove this?).   Most all of these programs can be traced back to pharmaceutical companies in some way.   Many smokers often speak of the reason they smoke is because it relaxes them. Many others speak of their reasons for smoking is that it relieves boredom. How is it possible that the same drug can do both of these things which are complete opposites? No different than many other prescription drugs (Wellbutrin, Zyban, Chantix, and others), that are given for a variety of reasons. Whatever it is prescribed to do and is written on the bottle (as dictated by your Doctor), the user believes it will do. It is this mentality of using drugs in the world that has become so widespread. Once we've become chemically altered (nicotine included), our brains do not work in conjunction with our bodies to allow them to heal naturally and normally, or to think rationally. Nothing is more complex and amazing in the world than the human body. It was designed for survival. However, I'm not saying that there are not medicinal drugs that are effective in treating various medical conditions, killing bacteria, etc. Some of the drugs prescribed for quitting smoking are also beneficial to those with severe depression, OCD, ADD, and other forms of psychological/emotional disorders. The overwhelming majority of smokers do NOT fit this category.
Articles and stories about how hard it is for smokers to quit are worth many millions of dollars to the tobacco industry. It provides doubt and rational reasoning for smokers to fail. All it takes is just a tiny bit of doubt to equal failure.  How many times have you read that studies show nicotine is as tough to beat as heroin? You've got to be kidding!  Nothing could be further from the truth. The only reason this is said is because the success rate of those trying to stop is about the same (longterm is less than 5%). What this doesn't take into consideration, is that the industries who profit from selling nicotine, and the multi-billion industry of selling NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), are the ones who are designing and funding the programs for doctors to sell to their patients who seek advice on quitting. These industries are also funding The National Cancer Society, and most all other major stop smoking programs. It's not by accident that they don't work. Back to the correlation between heroin and nicotine, have you ever seen a heroin addict going through withdrawals? It's not a pretty sight. Now compare that to a smoker. Most smokers can't even describe withdrawal pangs, other than the empty feeling of chasing the monster and the void feeling left a short time after smoking the previous cigarette. Smokers go to bed at night and are never even awoke by any withdrawl pangs, even though approx. 95% of nicotine residue is gone from their body by morning. FYI: Approx. 50% of the nicotine is out of the blood stream 30 minutes after a cigarette, and 75% is gone after 1 hour.
It might be important for some of you to understand that the billions of dollars generated from cigarette taxes is a drop in the bucket when compared to the money saved as a result of millions of Americans who die prematurely and are unable to collect government benefits such as social security.  Here is something I once read that I’ll never forget and hope you won't either.  If stop smoking organizations spent 25% of the money that the tobacco industry spends promoting cigarettes…no one would smoke. An important thing to know is that 50 million people have quit smoking successfully, and doing it successfully is something no one ever regrets. Identifying the reasons you smoke and learning how the myths associated with smoking must be debunked for long-term success. Smoking and the reasons we smoke, are illusions, nothing more. There is no benefit to smoking at all. For those who believe it relieves stress, do you honestly believe that smokers are more relaxed than non-smokers? If you believe it relieves boredom, this again is a fallacy brought on by the addiction itself. It's vital for smokers to see smoking as it really is, and not through the power of advertising, movies, social settings, peer pressure, propaganda, and other media. Pardon the pun, but the illusions of smoking is nothing more than smoke and mirrors and must be dispelled for long-term success. The most important being the way our minds attempt to rationalize this completely irrational behavior. The best example of this is how many smokers have convinced themselves that they are potentially giving up one of the finer things in life, and after all, we only live once. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you really believe smokers enjoy their lives more than those who don't smoke? Another vital concept of brainwashing that many smokers have, and one of the most important, is that it takes "willpower" to stop smoking.   This is absolutely incorrect.   You only need willpower to refrain from doing something you WANT to do.   If you like chocolate but don't want to eat any, you need willpower. This way of thinking, automatically implants into the subconscious mind the concept of "giving up" something, or "sacrificing", or that it's going to be a fight or a struggle. If you think you need willpower, you're setting yourself up for a fight, or you're just not ready to quit, that's all.  Once you decide you don't want to be a nicotine addict any more, you will stop putting nicotine in your body (in any form). One of the latest TV commercials by a pharmaceutical company selling stop smoking products/gimmicks has a catch phrase in it that states "....give your willpower a fighting chance". This line has been well thought out by the most brilliant marketing minds and psychologists in the world. It's not an accident that many smokers quit smoking and fight their willpower. When it's your will to stop smoking, you'll have the power, and it won't be a fight.


·         OUR MINDS ARE 100’s OF TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN THE POWER OF NICOTINE.  Once a person starts to think and act like a non-smoker, giving up the act of smoking is almost easy. It's actually enjoyable for most ex-smokers who are 100% (not 99.9%) convinced they have smoked their last cigarette.   The key is that a person must want to become a non-smoker, and not to remain a smoker who doesn't smoke.    We were all born non-smokers and it is MUCH easier to learn to stop smoking than to learn to start smoking.   When a person really believes they are going to be an ex-smoker, they will.  When we believe we will gain weight and be irritable after quitting, we will.  Remember…the body will achieve what the mind will believe.


·         WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT WHAT WE ARE DOING TO OURSELVES, AND THOSE AROUND US. Second-hand smoke has a major influence on every childs' lungs as they continue to develop through their teenage years.  Exposure to smoke often leads to severe asthma, lung and heart disease, emphysema, and many other related illnesses and death.  Yet, many parents don't think twice about smoking in front of THEIR OWN KIDS, even AFTER they know the facts.   If you include the fatality statistics of adult smokers and the related illnesses/healthcare costs for smokers and non-smokers who suffer so that others may smoke, these statistics are mind-boggling.   


·         CIGARETTE LAWS ARE CHANGING BECAUSE THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THEIR DESTRUCTION OF LIFE AND QUALITY OF LIFE.   We believe that once a person knows the FACTS about 2nd-hand smoke and it’s deadly consequences, this constitutes a criminal act.  There is no other law in America that allows an individual to legally hurt or kill another person.  As of 2008, public smoking/workplace laws have been implemented in 22 U.S. States, approx. 25 countries, and many 1000’s of cities, towns, and counties.   There are currently many states and jurisdictions that have Legislative Bills in the works.  These laws are being passed because the deadly consequences of smoke have been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.  A study released in Aug. 2005 by the Society of Actuaries found that just secondhand smoke alone costs our country $10 billion a year in health care bills, lost wages, and other costs.  We, as humans, must learn from our past.  Millions of people have died so that you don't have to. Many items and products once accepted by the Government are now banned.  Some of the more popular examples include lead-based paint, asbestos, certain breast implants, and many others. You never hear of anyone fighting for the right to use any product that the gov't has banned (that's not addicting). The purpose of our gov't is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. Did you know that approx. 50% of smokers actually vote FOR smoking bans? Many smokers often place smoking limitations on themselves by not smoking in their cars, houses, etc. The irony of this behavior, is that most people buy a new car every 4 or 5 years, yet so many disregard the possibility of damaging the only set of lungs they'll ever get. 



Here’s a start: 


·         Write down your reasons for quitting AND PUT THE LIST NEAR YOUR PACK OF CIGARETTES:


In this way, every time you reach for a cigarette, you will see this piece of paper and reinforce these reasons in your mind (visually).  You will NEVER light a cigarette without first reading this paper and thinking about these reasons for quitting.  This is part of the re-training process that doesn't happen overnight, although if you've wanted to quit for some time, you may have already been slowly re-training your mind in this same way without realizing it. 


It's very important to look at this piece of paper EVERY time you go for a cigarette so that you will never accidentally light one without reinforcing the reasons you have for quitting. 



It's absolutely imperative at this stage, that you LIGHT THE CIGARETTE EVERY SINGLE TIME you think about having one.   I repeat -- the cigarette must be smoked EVERY time so that there is absolutely no nicotine withdrawal or perceived deprivation that enters the equation, whether real or imagined.  We especially don't want you cutting back on the number of cigarettes you smoke while this re-training of the mind takes place. Cutting back is one of the worst things you can possibly do. Let me explain real quick. If you intentionally cut back, your focus becomes fixated on your next cigarette. This makes the smoker almost constantly think about smoking and their next cigarette. More important, when you smoke that next cigarette, it actually acts as a reward and is associated as such deep in the subconscious mind. The longer you go without, the greater the association of the cigarette becoming your reward. This association is the complete opposite effect of what we want to accomplish. Why do you think the big tobacco companies (and makers of stop-smoking gimmicks) always talk about cutting back as an effective method of quitting? Do you REALLY honestly believe they want to help you stop smoking? I would encourage you to ask almost any former smoker who has been an ex-smoker for a long period of time, and they will probably tell you how something happened in their thinking one day, and they made a decision to never smoke another cigarette. It really is the way it happens for most successful ex-smokers.


The "positive" effects that are realized by reading this paper will soon become part of the thought process when you reach for a smoke.  The "negative" effect of smoking will also be realized in this same manner as you will slowly re-train your thoughts and mind.  The subconscious actions of smoking and thought will soon become conscious actions and unacceptable behavior.  We want you to smoke all the cigarettes you want while you are learning to see smoking as it really is. This is the absolute secret for long-term success. Do you think you're more apt to become a non-smoker and stay that way forever, because you want to, or because you know you should? We all do what we want to do. When you WANT to stop, you will.




Part of the retraining process is to start doing things a little differently.  This is accomplished by not smoking in all the same places and with all the same people/surroundings that you currently smoke in.  If you tend to “light up” while driving your car, after a shower, or a meal, etc., continue to smoke that cigarette, but do it in a different place and preferably by yourself if possible.  In this manner you will continue to break the sub-conscious actions of smoking, and the power and acceptance you gain from smoking with others.  You will soon see your smoking addiction from a very different perspective.  Just a reminder, do not cut back on the amount of cigarettes you normally smoke. Here are a few more techniques that will help some of you: smoke with your opposite hand, buy one pack at a time, buy a different brand each time, and please read that paper with your reasons for wanting to stop smoking before you light every cigarette.




If you are not able to act like a non-smoker while you continue to smoke, you will most certainly believe you could never be one.  If you want to become a non-smoker, it's imperative to practice it first. Believe it or not, this is the hardest part for most people. It's about changing who you are, and not really about ridding your body of the nicotine. You will get used to handling all the different situations you will encounter as a "non-smoker".  Sit in the non-smoking section at restaurants, bars, etc.  You can always get up and go smoke (don’t forget the paper).  Tell people you don't smoke if they ask.  Soon, you will be labeled a “non-smoker,” not a “smoker.”  Smoking is certainly not something to be proud of any more.  Most individuals would never tell friends or strangers about any drug addictions they may have. 




Most of you understand the concept of changing your physical lifestyle, so I won’t go into too much detail.  However, when you are committed to never smoking again, this will happen automatically.  You may even find that you won't want to hang out with some of your smoking friends after you've stopped.  You may realize you don't have much in common with some of them other than your smoking addiction (misery loves company, or maybe misery loves equally miserable company is a better analogy).  There are many people who are destined (determined) to be miserable and no one will ever prevent that.  However, some people do care, they do want a better life, and you are one of them or you wouldn't have made it this far reading this.
I really don't like saying this....because once you KNOW you have smoked the last cigarette you will ever smoke, it doesn't really matter. Everything will take care of itself, but drinking a lot of water helps to flush the toxins out of your body.   Drinking juice is good, and it's good to avoid substances like caffeine and alcohol during the first week or two after quitting.  Most people don’t realize this fact, but the nicotine is out of a person’s body only a few days after stopping, yet most people who fail, do so after the nicotine is completely out of their system.   Beating nicotine is much different than say a person beating an alcohol addiction.  People who drink generally don’t drink all day long like a smoker does.  That's why it’s much more important to change ones' thinking, and not ones' lifestyle, in order to beat nicotine once and for all.  This is another reason why nicotine patches, gum, laser therapy, etc., are not effective. People who stop smoking while using these gimmicks, do so in spite of, and not because of.  The success rate is only about 5%, which means they basically do not work at all.  When someone quits smoking for a year or 2 using these products and then goes back to smoking, nothing could be more satisfying to the tobacco/pharmaceutical industries.  A few more failed attempts, and they'll become a "committed smoker" for life.  You do not beat a drug addiction by prescribing more drugs....and you don't do that for many reasons.  You never give the power to the drugs, the power comes from within each individual person. The #1 reason is what we've talked about already, subconsciously, it sets up the smoker to fail.   You rid your body of nicotine by first not wanting to put nicotine in your body. If you don't want to, you won't.  No one will ever make you smoke another cigarette unless you want to.  
If you follow these steps above for a short time, you may find becoming an ex-smoker is a lot easier than you may have once thought.  You have nothing to lose.  After all, you can still smoke as much as you want during the re-training process and we don’t sell any products of any kind. Be aware of programs that continue to brainwash the masses and are linked to selling pills, patches, magic potions, and/or are linked to pharmaceutical companies.  The idea that these products (and the need to quit using willpower), subconsciously conjugates the concept of giving up something that you don't want to give up.  This is what dooms people to go back to smoking, even after months/years of not smoking.  We know very well that the pharmaceutical companies and the tobacco companies know this.....why do you think they are the makers of these products and talk about them regularly in their stop smoking literature, commercials, etc.?  Please believe me when I say that these large corporations are not your friends.  They will do anything for your soul, which they will gladly exchange for your money. One of the things I'm always amazed at, is how almost every smoker knows these facts about the industry that is trying to kill them and take their money, yet many smokers will actually lobby FOR the tobacco industry.  If anyone is interested, our organization does not advocate the banning of cigarettes. We will always fight for everyones' rights and freedoms to do anything they want to do, no matter how stupid it may be or appear to be.  However, never can a persons' actions be at the expense of another, and we all must be responsible for the damage we knowingly do to ourselves.  




 If you visit a cancer center or a hospice and talk to any of the hundreds of thousands of people who are dying as a result of smoking, you would understand why millions of people feel the way we do here at Putters From Heavenâ.  If you chew tobacco and want to quit, visit a patient who’s had their jaw removed because of mouth cancer from “chewing”.  Smokers can benefit from visiting some of the emphysema patients, although not the #1 killer from smoking, emphysema can cause great pain for many years before eventually suffocating its victims to death.   We may never know (or prove) how many people REALLY die as a result of first- or second-hand smoke.  Even if it is only several million people a year, what if it’s someone you know or love?  When a smoker dies, they leave people who love them and will miss them.  It's selfish not to consider this. 


We go to cancer centers and hospices as motivation so that we'll never give up our efforts to help ANYONE who wants assistance in learning how to quit and why they haven't been able to.  If you smoke (or breathe second-hand smoke), and believe you are immune from getting cancer yourself, go to a cancer center and talk to the people who are dying as a result of smoking -- most thought the same thing.


Not everyone is the same and not everyone will be able to completely shut out and prevent the little nicotine demon from entering your mind at times. However, if you do quit smoking and you feel any pain or discomfort, do this...take a long, slow, deep breath through your nose and stick your chest out and think about how you know you’re “doing the right thing” and how you know it's what YOU want.  It’s just your bodys' way of telling you it’s purging the toxins and poisons.  Ever heard stories of soldiers who do extraordinary things to help themselves or others with body parts missing, or half of their organs hanging out or blown out of their bodies?  How about parents who lift cars off of their kids?  Many people in today’s society use the pain of tattoos and body piercings in this way.  Pain or perceived pain isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you focus it correctly and use it wisely.   Consider how this actually applies to when you were learning to start smoking. I should mention also, that stopping smoking doesn't mean you're never going to feel bad ever again. And by the way, you will eventually die someday too.   However, it's how you live up to that point that you must care about, and just as important, is how you die.  Will it be with a smile on your face, or will it be with tears in your eyes and guilt in your soul?  Watching people die while bearing the guilt of this crazy addiction never seems to get any easier. Here is my analogy from my past experiences of both of these scenarios. Imagine this....a person attempts suicide and fails. Think of the atmosphere in the hospital room by family and friends who are visiting the injured survivor. I sense the atmosphere and feelings from a slow death from cigarettes to be very similar (slow being months from cancer, possibly years with emphysema, heart problems). I believe this guilt actually speeds up the dying process in a sort of humane way.  


Lastly...WE ARE ALL ROLE MODELS!   Please don't take that responsibility lightly.   If you continue to smoke, please don’t do it in front of others. Not everyone deserves secondhand smoke.   If you decide to stop, encourage someone else who wants to stop and help them see their nicotine addiction as it really is.  The world is only as good as the people in it.  No one will ever tell you when you've smoked your last cigarette. Only you know this, and believe me, you will know.  Smoke all you want up until the time you put out that last cigarette.  You may even want to celebrate having your last cigarette.   No smoker in the world enjoys smoking, it's only part of the illusion and how we want to rationalize this completely irrational behavior.   You may even find yourself in tears, not because you're sad, but because you KNOW you're never going to smoke again.  It's a wonderful sensation, and you will probably feel a huge sense of revelation and relief like you've never felt before.   Here is a quote that I first saw on the business card of a professional triathelete. It relates perfectly to the concept of how to beat nicotine once and for all. The quote read "think of all the things we'd do in our lives, if we knew we would not fail".  Think of all the things we'd do in our lives, if we KNEW we would not fail.

Smoking is not a habit. Smokers smoke because they're addicted to nicotine. It's an endless cycle of feeding the monster created a few minutes after smoking the previous cigarette. When you stop smoking and find yourself reaching for a cigarette, successful ex-smokers actually find this kind of amusing.   No different than when you forget to put your watch back on after showering and you continually look at your bare wrist.  The more times you do it, the more you laugh about it.  Soon the actions of not smoking will become a habit.  


If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us any time.   We'd also be happy to explain in a more technical manner why the piece of paper is so important.   Please don't disregard the importance of it.  No one else even needs to see it.


If you think this info is not valuable because it's too cheap, we appreciate any support that will help us to educate more smokers and prevent many from ever starting.   We have grown accustom to the very dangerous and often thankless mission we are on, as a lot of very powerful organizations are very much against us gaining too much attention while educating the public about the true facts of nicotine addiction and why so many individuals fail at quitting.  We hope you appreciate the many years of research we've done, and a lot of money we've spent, while educating children and adults about smoking.   However, only consider helping us if you believe we've helped you, or we've helped your kids, or we've helped a loved one, or if you just believe in the things we're doing to make the world a better place for us all.   Fair enough?  Your money is not our main concern, however we do need your support to accomplish many of our goals. This includes billboards, seminars, school talks, and we want to produce a short film that debunks many of the myths and beliefs people have on smoking. We do not want to be beholden to any government entity upon accepting any grant money, or big business/pharmaceuticals, all of whom profit enormously from the use of nicotine.


Wishing everyone “the best”, and the prosperity that “your best” will bring,  


Email: or

The above information has been written by R. “Duffy” McDonough, Founder, Putters From Heaven, Russell “Bart” di Bartolo, Ph.D., Psychologist, Thomas “Tom” Whelan, Ph.D., Professor/Fitness Trainer.  As derived from 1000’s of interviews and many years of study and research.   


Nov 29, 2006 - We have been told several times over the years that our philosophy for beating nicotine addiction is similar to a guy from England. About a month or 2 ago, I heard Ashton Kutcher on the Jay Leno Show talk about his quitting, and he described a similar approach to ours as to how he stopped. He mentioned the name Allen Carr and the program is called the easy way to stop smoking. I still didn't go out of my way to find out much more about it as I am always very skeptical of almost every stop smoking program I've ever seen. Well, 2 days ago I went to buy his book, although Barnes and Noble didn't have it, they had the CD, so I bought it. I listened to it yesterday (Nov. 28, 2006). I was wonderfully surprised after listening to it and felt the need to send an email to say thanks, and to tell him about us, and what we're doing and how our methods are very similar. I went to the web site today and read that Allen Carr died yesterday of lung cancer. It sent chills down my spine. One of the things he encourages (like us), is that a smoker can smoke all they want while learning to stop. This is a vital element in the success of learning to change ones' thoughts of smoking (same effect as the paper).   My condolences go out to his family and friends and I feel sorry that I never had the opportunity to meet him or listen to him speak. I'm also sad that he can no longer help anyone else to stop smoking.  If what we've said here, makes no sense to you, and/or you are not willing to do the things we've talked about above, I HIGHLY recommend that you buy his book and see if that makes more sense.   It's well put together and covers much more than we do here.   It is absolutely the only other program I would recommend (and know of) that honestly has your best interest in mind.   I strive that we can achieve half as much success as it appears he had showing smokers an easy method for beating their nicotine addiction for the last time. -Duffy